to RCN de Schotsman
Welcome to our accommodation and we hope that you have a very pleasant stay. You can find useful information on this page, like instructions, the inventory, checking out and about our facilities.
If you have any specific requirements or if you are looking for tips, our staff at reception will be happy to help you. You can also consult the RCN app for opening times, activities and more.
Reception emergency no.: +31 (0)88 166 59 50
Emergencies or malfunction
General emergency: 112
Police (general): +31 (0)34 357 8844
Huisartsenpraktijk Goes
's Gravenpolderseweg 114B
+31 (0)88 022 81 04
Huisartenpraktijk Kamperland
Alexiaplein 2, Kamperland
+31 (0) 113 371 338
Aphotheekhoudende praktijk
Dierenartspraktijk Noord-Beverland
Hoofdstraat 22, Kortgene
+31 (0)113 302 992
Tandheelkundig Centrum Noord-Beverland
Hoofdstraat 77, Kortgene
+31 (0) 113 301 992
Dental365, Zeeland
Kanaalstraat 40, Oost-Souburg
+31 (0) 85 018 9421
On the day of departure, vacate the accommodation before 10 am. Before you check out, please ensure that:
You can still make use of our facilities for the whole day on your day of departure. You can then park your car in any of the parking areas outside of the barrier.
If you would like to check out later on the day of departure, ask at reception on arrival and they will explain the options for booking an extra half-day.
Beer glasses | Shot glasses | Tea glasses | Water glasses
Wine glasses | Coffee cups | Basic cutlery | Scissors
Can opener | Whisk | Cheese slicer | Kitchen utensils
Corkscrew | Soup plates | Breakfast plates | Dinner plates
Measuring cup | Glass dish | Cutting board | Colander
Frying pan | Casserole | Toaster | Nespresso | Kettle
Hoover | Hand broom and dustpan | Bucket | Coat hangers
Is any inventory missing?
Report this to reception